Several empty beer bottles reflecting the increased use of alcohol during the COVID pandemic.

COVID’s Impact on Alcohol Use

COVID lockdowns gave rise to home dynamics that people had never seen before, work-from-home life skyrocketed, children learned at the family computer, and close quarters resulted in relationship stress for couples. At the same time, the normal entertainment options were unavailable, and people looked to new hobbies for comfort. Right alongside the homemade sourdough boom…

anxiety and alcohol treatment

Anxiety and Alcohol: Identifying and Coping With a Common Condition and Its Unhelpful Anesthetic

So many people suffer from anxiety in the modern world that it’s almost more surprising to hear when someone is not anxious about an upcoming event or relationship or conflict in their lives than to hear a long list of anxiety-related feelings. Although anxiety is a widespread condition, it’s not always crippling. Many people are…

alcohol rehab in san diego

Ask the Psychiatrist: Do I Have A Drinking Problem? Alcohol Use Fact vs. Fiction

In the movies, the character with a drinking problem is easy to spot: sullen, unemployed, and estranged, typically found drinking alone or picking fights. Outside of Hollywood fiction, however, those with a drinking problem often look like our neighbors, co-workers, loved ones, and friends. They may be highly respected in their careers, beloved by their families,…

alcohol counseling near me

Options for Alcohol Counseling Near Me

True Life Center in San Diego, California, provides an IOP (intensive outpatient program) and PHP (partial hospitalization program) that combines the latest in neuroscience with holistic wisdom to effectively treat alcohol and drug use disorders. Our alcohol addiction treatment program takes each individual’s needs and recovery goals into account. If you or a loved one are…

man celebrating national recovery month

5 Ways To Celebrate National Recovery Month

Every September, the US recognizes the power and availability of treatment of substance use and mental health issues through National Recovery Month. September is therefore also a wonderful time to raise awareness and understanding surrounding addiction and mental health treatment. This month-long homage to the journey of recovery has taken place for over three decades,…