Autism Spectrum Disorder Program

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder often communicate, learn, and behave differently than others. While we believe neurodiversity should be celebrated, we also understand how some common characteristics of autism spectrum disorder can make life, and mental health, more challenging.   True Life’s autism spectrum disorder program in San Diego, California, includes a comprehensive wellness assessment,…

Group Therapy Program

Group therapy can be an effective form of treatment for various mental health concerns. It involves a therapist leading a group of individuals who share similar struggles or challenges. The group members come together to receive support, learn coping skills, and gain insight into their own experiences. Group therapy can be beneficial for individuals with…

Family Therapy Program

Family relationships can be complicated. They can also negatively affect the mental health of individuals. Relationships between family members are often shaped by the dynamics of power, control, and communication. These dynamics can create a toxic environment that can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. Family therapy can help individuals and families better…