man celebrating national recovery month

5 Ways To Celebrate National Recovery Month

Every September, the US recognizes the power and availability of treatment of substance use and mental health issues through National Recovery Month. September is therefore also a wonderful time to raise awareness and understanding surrounding addiction and mental health treatment. This month-long homage to the journey of recovery has taken place for over three decades,…

OCD Treatment Program

For many people, obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD can take up a portion of their lives and cause them to engage in behaviors that make things more difficult for them. Fortunately, there is help available for anyone who is struggling with this kind of issue. At True Life Center, our OCD treatment program is designed with…

Pet Therapy Program

At True Life Center, we know that having a pet can bring people a lot of joy. But there is more than just enjoyment in the mix. Pets can also help with healing. That is why we offer a pet therapy program as one of our treatment options, so you can have the benefit of…

Art Therapy Program

There are many ways to start to heal from an addiction or a mental health issue or the combination of struggles that both of those issues can provide. At True Life Center, we believe in giving you several great options for treatment, so you can find the one that works best for your needs. That…