man celebrating national recovery month

5 Ways To Celebrate National Recovery Month

Every September, the US recognizes the power and availability of treatment of substance use and mental health issues through National Recovery Month. September is therefore also a wonderful time to raise awareness and understanding surrounding addiction and mental health treatment. This month-long homage to the journey of recovery has taken place for over three decades,…

man getting anxiety treatment for covid-19

Anxiety Treatment for COVID-19

Even the calmest people are having anxiety over our present situation. COVID-19 is inherently anxiety-provoking, and these times are unprecedented. The world has never experienced an episode of global shutdown on this scale, and we’re all trying to adapt while facing a lot of unknowns. So if you’re feeling excessively anxious, know that you’re not…

woman getting depression treatment during covid-19

Depression Treatment During COVID-19

Nonstop coverage of COVID-19 on nearly every television station is stress-inducing to say the least. For those of us who are vulnerable to depression or similar mental health conditions, the constant barrage of news and death counts can feel intense and overwhelming. This, coupled with the sudden isolation caused by quarantine, may trigger a mental…

man thinking about signs of depression

Signs Of Depression

Depression is an extremely common mental condition that affects many children, young adults, and adults. It can have a major impact on your brain, your mood, and your outlook on life. For those who are silently suffering, it’s important to understand the different signs of depression in order to treat it properly. If depression goes…
